RES project development
The attractive framework that includes investments in RES projects does not make it easier to navigate the convoluted legal framework that governs their permitting or the multifarious factors involved in the success or failure of a project's implementation. With our participation in the permitting process for projects with a greater than 3 GW installed capacity anywhere in Greece and the other Balkan countries, we ensure every investor gets a clear plan for developing RES projects through diligent assessment of all available parameters and possible prospects and the identification of potential future problems and their proposed solutions.
We closely monitor all developments in the legislative and regulatory framework that governs the RES sector and are one step ahead of any changes.
![Ζέφυρος Υπηρεσίες Ανάπτυξη έργων ΑΠΕ](/images/2022/02/09/anaptiksi_ergon_grey.png)
Technical project assessment
As it accumulates experience from developing, constructing and operating RES projects, Zephiros Ltd carries out due diligence on plants generating electricity from renewable energy sources, whether at the initial stage of development or at the deployment stage, supporting investors during the transfer of generating stations.
![Ζέφυρος Υπηρεσίες Τεχνική αξιολόγηση έργων](/images/2022/02/09/texniki_aksiologisis_ergon_grey_2.png)
Feasibility studies
Zephiros Ltd prepares feasibility studies related to the development of wind and solar photovoltaic power plants and energy storage systems.
Feasibility studies include a technical description of the project, a preliminary estimate of the interconnection type, an analysis of the legislative framework that governs its development, construction and operation, a review of compatibility with the land use regulatory framework applying to RES and an estimate of energy production, construction costs, and operating results and projected cash flows as part of the overall assessment of the investment’s business risk.
![Ζέφυρος Υπηρεσίες Μελέτες σκοπιμότητας](/images/2022/02/09/meletes_skopimotitas_grey_2.png)
Environmental permitting
We undertake to prepare environmental impact assessments for projects and activities falling within categories A1 and A1 of the 10th group, in accordance with the classification of public and private projects and activities into categories and sub-categories, as well as preparing dossiers for inclusion in the standard environmental commitments for projects falling within category B.
The company’s experienced, specialised partners undertake the appropriate assessment of a project's environmental impacts by preparing a Special Ecological Assessment and avian fauna documentation. Additionally, we undertake all supporting studies required for project implementation and the completeness of environmental permitting, such as road works studies, phytotechnical restoration studies, noise studies, photorealistic rendering, etc.
![Ζέφυρος Υπηρεσίες Περιβαλλοντική αδειοδότηση](/images/2022/02/09/perivallontiki_adeiodotisi_grey.png)
Wind energy potential measurements
As the company maintained a laboratory accredited to Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD) standards for conducting wind measurements and having installed more than 100 masts in Greece, it is able to accurately identify suitable measurement sites, oversee installation and undertake to monitor the operation of a wind measurement campaign.
It also has two Lidar ZX300 devices with complete autonomous installation support systems to provide important data on the height variations of the wind at a significantly lower cost.
![Ζέφυρος Υπηρεσίες Μετρήσεις αιολικού δυναμικού](/images/2022/02/09/metriseis_aiolikou_dynamikou_grey.png)
Energy generation assessment
By using specialised software, our experienced personnel at Zephiros Ltd prepare studies to assess the energy generating potential of wind and solar photovoltaic plants all over Greece.
This includes projections of losses and uncertainties to the degree required by financial institutions and organisations for their assessment of investment proposals. The extended network of partners throughout the Greek territory in a number of cases also provides the ability to cross-reference assessment results with the real cost of energy generation, significantly limiting deviations and margins of error.
![Ζέφυρος Υπηρεσίες Εκτίμηση ενεργειακής παραγωγής](/images/2022/02/09/ektimisi_energeiakis_paragogis_grey_2.png)